1. No previous Assesment Report of Hadejia Town has been written, the only records available are those contained in Mr. A.C.G. Hastings General Assesment Repotr of the Hadejia Emirate compiledin March 1910.
2. The town is situated almost in the centre of the Emirate, and is surrounded by the Districts of Teffida Mabudee and Sarkin Dawaki.
3. The river Hadejiaa flowing east, lies as its nearest point a little more than a quarter of a mile from the south west gate. It begins to flow in the middle of June and continues until the end of November. During the rest of the year water is obtainable from pools or by digging in the river bed.
4. There are in addition 83 wells in the town itself, There is therefore an ample water supply available all the year round.
5. The Town had three Walls:-
(1) Dating from pre Fulani times, had four gates. It can be traced at the present day by certain pits, Maikilabo on the west near the present Alkali's house, Attefi on the south near Gidan Sarkin Busa, and Dellah on the east near the house of the present Galladima. It was about one mile in circumference.
(2) Built by the fulani Sarki Sambo of Hadejia is difficult to trace except on the east where it follows approximately the eastern limit of houses, and on the west where it passes a "Chediya" tree east of the present market. it had five gates. Its perimeter was 2 miles 170 yards approximately.
(3) Also built by Sarki Sambo is the present wall but when first built it did not extend on the east side of the town beyond the previous wall. the Habe settlement of Fantai remained outside it on the east. This wall was finally extended to its present size by Sarki Haruna, father of Sarki Muhammadu, who fell in the fighting with the Administration in 1906.
Haruna enclosed a large open space on the east to harbour fugitive villagers in case of war. There are five (5) gates. Its perimeter is now 4 miles 135 yards.
Haruna enclosed a large open space on the east to harbour fugitive villagers in case of war. There are five (5) gates. Its perimeter is now 4 miles 135 yards.
(4) The wall was divided up into section, for the repair of which certain villagers used to be responsible. The various gates are still in care of certain of the Sarakuna.
1. The Kofar Arewa.............. Sarkin Arewa
2. Kofar Gabas.................... Madawaki
3. Kofar Kudu.................... Teffida
4. Kofar Kogi................... Galadima
5. Kofar Yamma.............. Sarkin Dawaki.
(5) It has been necessary frequently in the past to build temporary walls outside on the South side to prevent flood water from entering the town.
(6) For Three (3) months during the Bazara season of the present year 1916 a mirage (Hausa 'Kauwalwarniya') was visible on the open space between the eastern side of the town and the wall. A similar phenomenon was last seen 32 years ago when the Shehu of Bornu capture the town of Kadera in Adiyani District or Chiroma District. It was expected to portend some exceptional event and was followed by one of the heaviest rain falls within memory.
(7) The town is almost entirely composed of flat roof-ed mud houses and is well kept and clean.
(8) The market is situated inside the town neaar the west gate. The booth are of mud with a few grass (Rumfuna). It is held daily, but the Chief market day is Sunday. The slaughter ground has recently been removed from the market to a spot on the west side, outside the town walls.
(9) Sanitation is on the whole good, the town is noticably free from odours.
(10) Hadejia possesses no Historical document, Authentic History dates only from the founding of the Fulani dynasty early in the 19th Century. It has been recorded in Captain J.M. Fremanle's History of Katagum and in Mr. A.C.G. Hasting's assesment report on Hadejia Emirate written in 1910.
(11) Additional information has been obtained for this report from the following authorities;-
(a) The Galadiman Hadejia-- Usuman
(b) Moman Jekada (one of the Emir Abdulkadir's retinue)
(c) An aged man named Mallam, one of the few surviving descendants of the Habes of pre-fulani times.
The town was founded by a hunter named HADE, a Barebari from Machina (Bornu). Hadejia wandered south hunting, and finding a favourable hunting ground, hung up his quiver on certain 'Tsamiya' tree under which he was resting. His Dog wandered off and his master noticed on its return that it had found water to quench its thirst. He followed the dog which led him to a river. He thereupon returned to Machina and reported to his family that he had found a suitable place for a house, and subsequently returned with them to the spot. This place proved to be in the country of Auyo, a flourishing Habe town at the time which had been founded about 1,400 A.D. He took to wife a lame woman of the Auyokawa, who lived in a small hamlet nearby. A town sprang up and he was made first Sarki of Hadejia. He was followed by a series of 32 Habe Chiefs, of whom only the names of three are known today, i.e. BAUDE, MUSA And ABUBAKAR. During the reign of Abubakar of Hadejia and Jibrin of Auyo, the fulani arrived from Gobir (via Massina) seeking grazing grounds..................Hadejia A yau. continued.....